What scale does FedEx use?

Mettler Toledo BC-60 Shipping ScaleMettler Toledo BC60 scales include the latest technology & is the replacement for the legendary PS60 scale. Offers same ruggedness, reliability, and easy to use. Designed to work with UPS WorldShip®, FedEx Ship Manager®, DHL EasyShip® & other shipping and manifesting software.

What kind of scale does ups use?

Smart Weigh Digital Shipping and Postal Weight Scale, 110 lbs x 0.1 oz, UPS USPS Post Office Scale.

What scales work with FedEx Ship Manager?

BenchPro™ BP-S Shipping Scale BenchPro Shipping Scales are designed to interface with FedEx Ship Manager Software, providing both power and USB HID interface with one USB cable.

Does FedEx have a scale?

Once you hold the shipment, you can enter individual package weights from the hold file screen, or you can weigh each package on a scale.

What scales work with UPS Worldship?

What Scales Are Supported by UPS Worldship?

  • Fairbanks 70-2453-4.
  • Fairbanks 70-2455.
  • Fairbanks SCB R9000-14 150lb Flat Top.
  • Fairbanks SCB R9000-14U 150lb Flat Top.
  • NCI 3825.
  • NCI 3835.
  • Toledo PS 2+ 5113 250lb Roller Top.
  • Toledo PS60-5155 150lb Flat Top.

How do I add a scale to FedEx Ship Manager?

Go to the “Utilities” drop-down menu and choose “Configure Scale” 2. Choose “Mettler-Toledo PS60” in the Scale Model menu. 3. Choose the Com Port the scale is connected to in the “Port” menu.

Does UPS have a scale?

Already have a UPS-approved scale? Awesome! You can connect your scale to your laptop or desktop computer to help speed things up. First, start by updating your shipping preferences to active the scale.

What if my package is heavier than label UPS?

If your parcel weight is more than what is stated on the shipping label, most courier companies will issue a surcharge for the overweight package or send it back to the pick-up address.

How do I add a scale to FedEx ship Manager?

Who’s cheaper FedEx or ups?

If you need faster delivery, parcel shipping is the cheapest option. UPS is typically slightly cheaper than FedEx.

How do I get a thermal printer from UPS?

Once you have your UPS.com ID, you will need to call UPS to get your free UPS thermal printer. You can call the UPS customer service center on 1–800–742–5877 or use 1–800–833–0056 if you are hearing impaired and need TTY/TDD access.

How do I change the label size in FedEx shipping manager?

To change the label format for FedEx Express U.S. shipments, click the 2 – FedEx Express Prefs tab. In the Label Format section, select the appropriate label format for the label part number and click OK.