Which GMT is closest to India?

Time Zone in New Delhi, Delhi, India

Current: IST — India Standard Time
Current Offset: UTC/GMT +5:30 hours
Difference: 9:30 hours ahead of New York

What time is 3 GMT UK?

4 am
Getting Started

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to London, England ( in London)
3 am GMT is 4 am in London
4 am GMT is 5 am in London
5 am GMT is 6 am in London
6 am GMT is 7 am in London

Is Australia in GMT?

Most of Australia uses three standard time zones, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) which is UTC/GMT+10, Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) which is UTC/GMT + 9 1/2 and Australian Western Time (AWST) which is UTC/GMT +8.

What time is it in New York in GMT?

Getting Started

New York, New York ( in New York) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
5 pm in New York is 9 pm GMT
6 pm in New York is 10 pm GMT
7 pm in New York is 11 pm GMT
8 pm in New York is 12 am GMT

Is GMT same as UK time?

The period when the clocks are 1 hour ahead is called British Summer Time (BST). There’s more daylight in the evenings and less in the mornings (sometimes called Daylight Saving Time). When the clocks go back, the UK is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

What time in Pakistan just now?

Current Local Time in Locations in Pakistan with Links for More Information (48 Locations)
Hyderabad (PK) Sat 6:18 pm
Islamabad Sat 6:18 pm
Jhang Sat 6:18 pm
Jhelum Sat 6:18 pm