What size is a Martin 00?
What size is a Martin 00?
00 Guitars However, this particular design is known as the size “S.” The 00 guitar comes with a scale length of 24.9 inches. Its body depth is 4.1 inches, length is 18.9 inches, and width is 14.3 inches. Of course, these are specs for Martin 00 models.
What is a Oo size guitar?
This model is also sometimes called an Auditorium or “OOO”. It is a mid-size guitar, with great balance, volume, and projection. It has more presence than the Parlor or “O” guitars, but lacks the heavy bass response of the guitars below.
Is a Martin 00 a parlor guitar?
The rosette design even goes through the edge of the fretboard, which adds further cosmetic value to the instrument. Grained ivoroid binding are also used throughout the guitar to give it the same look as the original parlor guitars that Martin built from 1898 to 1942.
What does 000 mean in guitar?
A lower bout of approximately 13 1/2”, 0 guitars are very small, similar to parlors, and typically has 12-fret necks. 00. Larger than a 0, the 00 usually has around a 14 1/8” lower bout and a 12-fret neck. 000. Larger than a 00, the 000 usually has a 15” or wider lower bout.
What are the dimensions of a Martin’s body?
Body length: 19.1 inches/485.8mm Body width: 13.5 inches/344.4mm Body depth: 4.06 inches/103.2mm Originally a 12-fret to the body design and currently in and out of Martin’s catalogue, the 0-size body is the mighty mite of the bunch.
What is the difference between a 00 and a 000 Martin?
Size 000 14 fret 3.25″ Size 0 14 fret 4.25″ Size 00 12 fret 4.125″ Size 00 14 fret 4.125″ Size 000 12 fret 4.125″ Size 000 14 fret 4.125″. The single 0 Martin is slightly deeper than a 00 Size Martin. Comparing the volume of 14 fret, the 00 is 800 cu. in. compared to 754 for the single 0.
Is every body size based on one of CF Martin’s Designs?
Arguably, it’s true to say that every body size currently on the market is based upon one of CF Martin’s designs and, as such, here’s a thumbnail sketch of what body sizes you can expect to find – and their fundamental tonal fingerprint – when you go shopping.
What is the size of a Martins Pearl top?
The pearl top Martins, 0-40, 2-42, and 00-42, are more often “long scale”. The early size 1 tend to be 24 3/4″ The size 2 and 2 1/2 are mostly 24 1/2″, though the 2 1/2 are often early and these vary the most.