What is the best build for Gaige in Borderlands 2?

Borderlands 2 provides for just such an experience with Gaige the Mechromancer, a character who brings along her own friend, the killer robot Deathtrap….Here are the 10 best builds for Gaige the Mechromancer.

  1. 1 Up Close And Personal.
  2. 2 The Slasher.
  3. 3 Discordant Daredevil.
  4. 4 Spray And Pray.
  5. 5 Numbers, Numbers, Math Math Math.

Does Deathtrap change appearance?

Deathtrap’s appearance will vary depending on Gaige’s single-point skills, with an underlying theme from each skill tree. Yellowish bulk and armor are typical in Best Friends Forever; Little Big Trouble offers various metal spikes and protrusions; and blood-red blades, claws and bones pervade Ordered Chaos.

What does anarchy do in Borderlands 2?

This article is about the Anarchy skill in Borderlands 2. For other uses, see Anarchy. Anarchy is a tier 1 skill in Gaige’s Ordered Chaos skill tree. With it, Gaige improves her damage but lowers her accuracy each time she kills an opponent or completely empties and reloads a magazine with her weapon.

How do you get legendary mechromancer?

The Legendary Mechromancer is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Vermivorous The Invincible, Pete the Invincible, Voracidous the Invincible, and the Ancient Dragons of Destruction.

Will Gaige be in Borderlands 3?

Borderlands fans will recognise Gaige from Borderlands 2. Gaige was added to the game post-launch and is the fifth playable class; Mechromancer. While playable in Borderlands 2, Gaige appeared as an NPC in The Pre-Sequel and, up until now, has not appeared in Borderlands 3.

How many stacks does an anarchy shot have?

Notes. The damage bonus can be stacked up to 10 times. It is multiplicative so 10 stacks will result in 1370% damage increase. As stacks are gained, the Anarchy gains a black and red pulsing outline.

Is anarchy a political system?

Anarchism. As a political philosophy, anarchism advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. These are often described as stateless societies, although several authors have defined them more specifically as institutions based on non-hierarchical free associations.

What level can you build Gaige in Borderlands 2?

That’s why we’re here with a guide on how to build Gaige properly in Borderlands 2 and the Handsome Collection. The original Borderlands 2 capped players at level 50, whereas in The Handsome Collection (or after purchasing the correct DLC on PC or last-gen consoles) allows characters to be leveled all the way up to 72.

Who is Gaige in Borderlands 2?

Gaige is the tech-loving sociopath of Borderlands 2. Her Summon Deathtrap ability brings a powerful robotic ally to the field, allowing Gaige to shoot opponents from afar while Deathtrap rips them several new ones.

What is Gaige the Mechromancer’s best build in Borderlands 2?

Finally, our pick for Gaige the Mechromancer’s best build in Borderlands 2 is another high risk, high reward strategy. This one requires you to go hard in Anarchy, investing into Preshrunk Cyberpunk until you can achieve 400 stacks. Smaller, Lighter, Faster is also useful as it increases reload speed and decreases clip size.

What is Gaige’s build?

This build focuses on guns that can fire multiple bullets at once and that have ridiculously high fire rates. Combining Anarchy stacks with Close Enough, which can cause bullets to ricochet back into enemies even if you miss, Gaige can take out an entire psycho base without having to actually hit anyone.