How do you involuntary commit someone in Arizona?
How do you involuntary commit someone in Arizona?
Any responsible individual may submit an application for involuntary evaluation of a person who is alleged to be, as a result of a mental disorder, a danger to self or to others, persistently or acutely disabled, or gravely disabled and who is unwilling or unable to undergo a voluntary evaluation.
What is the Baker Act in Arizona?
In Arizona, the court may order a patient to undergo inpatient (hospital) or outpatient (community) treatment if there is clear and convincing evidence that a proposed patient , as a result of a mental disorder , is: a danger to self , or. a danger to others , or. persistently or acutely disabled, or.
What is an order to treat?
If ordered to treatment, the person may be ordered to inpatient treatment at a hospital, or to outpatient treatment in a community based clinic, or combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment. Treatment may also include provisions such as taking medication prescribed by the provider.
How do you commit someone to a mental institution in Arizona?
How can I get someone committed because he is a threat to himself or others? Contact the Arizona Department of Health Services , Division of Behavioral Health Services at 602-364-4558, or the Federal Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Referral Routing Service at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
What is a Title 36 in Arizona?
A. The petition for court-ordered treatment shall allege: 1. That the patient is in need of a period of treatment because the patient, as a result of mental disorder, is a danger to self or to others or has a persistent or acute disability or a grave disability.
Can you be forced to have medical treatment?
You cannot legally be treated without your consent as a voluntary patient – you have the right to refuse treatment. This includes refusing medication that might be prescribed to you. (An exception to this is if you lack capacity to consent to treatment.)
Can a person be forced to take medication?
In most cases, you cannot be forced to take medication. If you are offered medication, you usually have the right to refuse it and ask for an alternative treatment.
Why would a patient with a mental disorder have to be hospitalized?
While the majority of people with mental health conditions will likely not need to spend time in a hospital or treatment center, an individual may need to be hospitalized so that they can be closely monitored and accurately diagnosed, have their medications adjusted or stabilized, or be monitored during an acute …