How do you say please find attached in Spanish?

please find attached expr encontrará adjunto, hallará adjunto expr.

How do you spell close to in Spanish?

close to

  1. close to, (at the) en, Mod. con, Mod. al, Mod. al lado de, Mod. junto a, Mod. cerca de, Mod.
  2. close to, (nearbyclose byclosenear) en las proximidades de, Mod. cerca, Mod. cerca de, Mod. cercano, Mod. junto a, Mod.

How do you say Please see attached file?

  1. Option 1: Attach the file with no explanation.
  2. Option 2: “Here is”
  3. Option 3: “I’ve attached”
  4. Option 4: “This [X] has …”
  5. Option 5: “I’m sharing [X] with you.”
  6. Option 6: “You’ll find the attachment below.”
  7. Option 7: “Let me know if you have questions about the attachment.”

How do you end an email in Spanish?

Email Sign-Offs in Spanish

  1. Saludos cordiales. = Best regards.
  2. Atentamente. = Sincerely.
  3. Cordialmente. = Cordially.
  4. Sinceramente. = Sincerely.
  5. Para cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición. = I am at your disposal for anything you need.
  6. Agradeciéndole de antemano su cooperación. = Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

What is que onda?

The Meaning of ‘Que Onda’ in Spanish It’s a common informal greeting interpreted as “what’s up?”. If you translate que onda in Spanish, it literally translates to “What wave?” in English. Ondas (waves) in the Spanish-speaking world don’t only refer to waves of the ocean but also vibrational waves.

What is the verb to try in Spanish?

If you’d like to say “to try” in Spanish, you’d generally want to use a conjugation of “intentar.” However, just as in English, other verbs may provide more nuance to what you’re trying to express. Using “probar” (to test / to try) or “tratar de” (to attempt / to try) may be a better choice depending on the context.