What is ship broadside?

In the nautical sense, broadside was originally the entire side of a ship above the water—which is where the guns were placed. The further use of broadside to refer to firing of the guns eventually led to the figurative “volley of abuse” sense.

What is broadside in naval warfare?

A broadside is the side of a ship, or more specifically the battery of cannon on one side of a warship or their coordinated fire in naval warfare, or a measurement of a warship’s maximum simultaneous firepower which can be delivered upon a single target (because this concentration is usually obtained by firing a …

Where is the broadside on a ship?

Definition of broadside the whole side of a ship above the water line, from the bow to the quarter. Navy. all the guns that can be fired from one side of a warship.

What is a row of cannons called?

Broadside (naval), terminology for the side of a ship, the battery of cannon on one side of a warship, or their near simultaneous fire on naval warfare.

What are broadside used for?

Historically, broadsides have been used to inform the public about current news events, publicize official proclamations and government decisions, announce and record public meetings and entertainment events, advocate political and social causes, advertise products and services, and celebrate popular literary and …

What is pirate ship called?

Sloops. Sloops were the most common choice during Golden Age of Pirates during the 16th and 17th century for sailing around the Caribbean and crossing the Atlantic. These were commonly built in Caribbean and were easily adapted for pirate antics.

What do broadsides look like?

A broadside, also called a “broadsheet,” is “a sheet of paper printed on one side only, forming one large page.” (Oxford English Dictionary). Uses of the word date from the 16th century. In size most broadsides ranged from approximately 13″ x 16″ (“foolscap” size) to over 5 feet in length.

Who made broadsides?

Broadsides were commonly sold at public executions in the United Kingdom in the 18th and 19th centuries. These were often produced by printers who specialised in them. They could be illustrated by a crude picture of the crime, a portrait of the criminal, or a generic woodcut of a hanging taking place.