What does it mean to ease yourself?

(euphemistic) To defecate or urinate.

What does ease into it mean?

ease into something | ease yourself/somebody into something. ​to become or help somebody to become familiar with something new, especially a new job.

How can I make myself ease?

Tips To Handle Stress: Things To Put Your Mind At Ease

  1. Change your perception.
  2. Embrace change.
  3. See your doctor.
  4. Watch what you eat.
  5. Get moving.
  6. Manage your stress.
  7. Get to know your triggers.
  8. Connect with others.

What does ease person mean?

Definition of put (someone) at ease : to make (someone) feel calm and relaxed Her reassuring words put us at ease.

How do you use the word ease?

Use “ease” in a sentence | “ease” sentence examples

  1. He that is angry is seldom at ease.
  2. The medication should ease the suffering.
  3. At last the rain began to ease off.
  4. I’ll help if it will ease her job.
  5. City planners are looking for ways to ease traffic.

Are you ease meaning?

If you are at ease, you are feeling confident and relaxed, and are able to talk to people without feeling nervous or anxious. If you put someone at their ease, you make them feel at ease.

How do you use ease in a sentence?

Ease sentence example

  1. I can ease that tension.
  2. The look on his face made her want to hug him and ease his fear.
  3. He felt her turmoil through their bond and ached to ease her pain.
  4. Maybe being able to paint or draw would ease her anguish.
  5. Pierre was at ease among his own kind.

What does the word ease?

1 : the state of being comfortable: such as. a : freedom from pain or discomfort. b : freedom from care. c : freedom from labor or difficulty. d : freedom from embarrassment or constraint : naturalness known for his charm and ease of manner.

How do you use feel at ease?

If you put someone at their ease, you make them feel at ease. It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist. Both men were unwelcoming, making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease.

How do you use ease?

Is ease a feeling?

If you are at ease, you are feeling confident and relaxed, and are able to talk to people without feeling nervous or anxious. If you put someone at ease, you make them feel at ease. It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.

What is ease of mind?

a. Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation: Her mind was at ease knowing that the children were safe. b. Freedom from constraint or embarrassment; naturalness.