When should agapanthus be planted?

Plant in spring after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to 50ºF (10ºC). Agapanthus plants are heavy feeders and do best with organic compost worked into the soil at planting. Set the Agapanthus rhizomes with the pointed ends facing up. Cover with soil and water as needed.

Which is the hardiest agapanthus?

‘Cold Hardy White’ is one of the most attractive hardy agapanthus varieties. This deciduous plant produces big clusters of showy white blooms in mid-summer.

When should I buy agapanthus bulbs?

Buying agapanthus

  • Buy hardy types in spring ideally.
  • You can buy potted plants in flower in summer, but be prepared to keep them well watered for the rest of the summer so they establish well.
  • Buy in containers and not in a packet, as the plant may have dried out and will be less likely to thrive.

Will agapanthus grow in full shade?

Agapanthus need full sun. It is quite common for agapanthus to start life in full sun but end up in the shade. Over the years, surrounding trees and shrubs have grown up, shading a once sunny row of aggies. When this happens flowering diminishes.

Do agapanthus come back every year?

With proper care, agapanthus flowering occurs repeatedly for several weeks throughout the season, then this perennial powerhouse returns to put on another show the next year. Agapanthus is a nearly indestructible plant and, in fact, most agapanthus varieties self-seed generously and may even become somewhat weedy.

What are the best agapanthus to grow?

Here are 10 beautiful agapanthus varieties to grow.

  • Agapanthus ‘Arctic Star’
  • Agapanthus ‘Brilliant Blue’
  • Agapanthus ‘Golden Drop’
  • Agapanthus ‘Hoyland Chelsea Blue’
  • Agapanthus ‘Little Dutch White’
  • Agapanthus ‘Margaret’
  • Agapanthus ‘Midnight Dream’
  • Agapanthus ‘Silver Baby’

What plant goes well with agapanthus?

In indigenous gardens, agapanthus are perfect companions with summer-flowering bulbs of crocosmia, galtonia, eucomis and watsonia. Agapanthus are also striking with sedges or phormiums, such as ‘Yellow Wave’, and eye-catching among whispering ornamental grasses.

Do slugs eat agapanthus?

Its blooms are popular with bees and other pollinators. Its leaves are extremely water-resistant and, while they’re a popular foodplant of the large and small white butterflies, they won’t be eaten by slugs and snails.

What are the best agapanthus for pots?

Agapanthus ‘Margaret’ This hardy, deciduous variety is very floriferous, producing masses of powder-blue flowers. Agapanthus ‘Margaret’ is ideal in pots or in the border, where it will reach around 90cm.