What does DLA Disposition Services do?

DLA Disposition Services is responsible for the disposal of excess DOD personal property, foreign excess personal property (FEPP), scrap, hazardous waste, and property requiring demilitarization.

What was DLA Disposition Services formerly known as?

DLA Disposition Services (formerly known as the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service) is part of the United States Defense Logistics Agency.

What is Army disposition?

U.S. MILITARY PAY. disposition. (*) 1. Distribution of the elements of a command within an area; usually the exact location of each unit headquarters and the deployment of the forces subordinate to it.

What is DLA Navy?

The purpose of Dislocation Allowance (DLA) is to partially reimburse a servicemember, with or without dependents, for the expenses incurred in relocating the member’s household on a PCS, housing moves ordered for the Government’s convenience, or incident to an evacuation.

What are DLA offers?

DLA offerings include Equipment Disposition, Document Services, Products and Materials, Services, and Programs.

  • Excess Property Disposal.
  • Document Services.
  • Intro: DLA Support Services.

What does Drmo mean in the military?

Defense Reutilization Marketing Office
The DRMO name, which stood for Defense Reutilization Marketing Office, came along in 1985 when the parent organization was renamed the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service to reflect the other parts of its mission besides disposal.

How long does it take to get DLA army?

about 30 days
Typically, DLA is paid after you file the right forms with your installation’s finance office, either before or after your PCS move. This differs from branch to branch, but you can expect to receive the DLA about 30 days after filing your paperwork.

How long does it take DLA to process?

You’ll normally get a ‘decision letter’ within 3 months. If your claim is successful, the decision letter will tell you how much you’ll get and for how long.

Do you pay back DLA?

Do I Have to Pay it Back? No, DLA is a flat rate that does not have to be paid back.

What do you do at DLA?

DLA is responsible for contracting, purchasing, storing, and distributing most of the consumable, expendable, and repairable items and materials for DOD.

  • Aviation Equipment.
  • Building Materials and Construction Equipment.
  • Consumable Hardware.
  • Excess Property.
  • Food and Subsistence.
  • Fuel and Energy.
  • Industrial Plant Equipment.

What is Drmo in the Navy?

The DRMO name, which stood for Defense Reutilization Marketing Office, came along in 1985 when the parent organization was renamed the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service to reflect the other parts of its mission besides disposal.