How many PS4s are sold worldwide?

116 million units
Global unit sales of Sony PlayStation 4 consoles 2014-2021 As of July 2021, cumulative sales of Sony’s PlayStation 4 gaming console had risen to more than 116 million units.

How many PS5 have been sold worldwide?

Sony released its fiscal year financial results, covering the period from April 2021 to March 2022. The presentation revealed that PS5 sales have passed 19.3 million units worldwide.

How many sales does the PS4 have?

117.2 million
Best-selling game consoles

Platform Type Units sold
PlayStation 4 # Home 117.2 million
Nintendo Switch # Hybrid 107.65 million
PlayStation Home 102.49 million
Wii Home 101.63 million

Who sold more Xbox or PlayStation?

Xbox S/X outsold Playstation 5 for the first time. Ever since the next-generation consoles were released in November of 2020, Sony’s PlayStation 5 has routinely outsold Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. But according to the CEO of Microsoft, that’s no longer the case.

How many ps1 have been sold?

102.4 million
PlayStation – 102.4 million According to Sony, the original PlayStation’s final sales total sits at 102.4 million, with over 960 million software units sold. This makes it the third-best-selling Sony console ever, as it’s since been surpassed by PlayStation 4.

Is Xbox One a failure?

The Xbox One could hardly be termed a failure. But with an estimated 50 million Xbox One units sold, compared with more than 106 million PlayStation 4 consoles sold, the competition wasn’t even close.

How many Xbox have been sold?

“Microsoft ended 2021 with its Xbox Series family of devices reaching cumulative sell-through of 10.3 million units,” he estimated.