What does RII stand for in text?


Acronym Definition
RII Request for Intelligence Information
RII Registro de Industrias Integradas (Spanish: Registration Integrated Industries)
RII Reform of International Institutions
RII Reinvestment & Infrastructure Initiative

What does L&S stand for?


Acronym Definition
L&S Lying and Standing (blood pressure)
L&S Lilo & Stitch (cartoon)
L&S Laverne and Shirley (TV show)
L&S Lawrence & Schiller (advertising agency)

What is Villa short for?

VJC Villa Julie College Academic & Science » Colleges Rate it:
RUV Remote And Undesirable Villa Governmental » Military Rate it:
AVY Apartment Villa Yacht Sports » Yachting Rate it:
HTBV Home Town Bank Of Villa Real Business » NASDAQ Symbols Rate it:
UTV Up The Villa Sports » Soccer Rate it:

What does RAB stand?

Radio Receiver (high frequency; US Navy) RAB. Range and Bearing. RAB. Restoration Advisory Board.

What does RII stand for in aviation?

Required Inspection Items

To meet this objective, the inspector must answer the following questions:
1. Is there a clearly identified person who is responsible for the quality of the Required Inspection Items (RII) process? Yes No, Explain Name/Title:

Is villa a Spanish word?

villa in Spanish is “VILLA”.

What makes a house a villa?

A villa is a one-level structure, often with an exterior patio and front garden or terrace. They may share at least one common wall with a neighboring villa or be detached. Villas have a history that dates back to the Roman Empire. In fact, the proper name for these homes is “Roman villas.”

Is Rab a word?

No, rab is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What term refers to how the air carrier maintains control of the maintenance procedures for which it is responsible?

What term refers to how the air carrier maintains control of the maintenance procedures for which it is responsible? Process control.

What is villa in Latin?

villa, villae large country residence/seat, villa.

What does villa in French mean?

detached house
[vila ] feminine noun. detached house. une villa en multipropriété a time-share villa.