What is the causes of waste?

Industrial waste can be defined as the waste caused by industrial activities including waste which is rendered useless during manufacturing. This includes masonry and concrete, dirt and gravel, scrap metals, oil, chemicals, solvents, scrap lumber and additional garbage items produced by factories, mills and industries.

What are the problems caused by waste?

The more emissions that we produce due to how much trash we generate, affects us long term. One can develop diseases such as asthma, birth defects, cancer, cardiovascular disease, childhood cancer, COPD, infectious diseases, low birth weight, and preterm delivery.

What are the causes and effects of waste?

Some waste will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process it may smell, or generate methane gas, which is explosive and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Leachate produced as waste decomposes may cause pollution. Badly-managed landfill sites may attract vermin or cause litter.

What is waste pollution?

SOLID WASTE POLLUTION : DEFINITION It is a term for man-made waste (basically consisting of plastic litter) discarded in the environment and often found in the sea or along the coastline, either floating on the surface or submerged.

How does waste pollution affect the environment?

This debris harms physical habitats, transports chemical pollutants, threatens aquatic life, and interferes with human uses of river, marine and coastal environments. Of all trash, plastic trash has the greatest potential to harm the environment, wildlife and humans.

What are the main causes of waste disposal?

Causes for Garbage Dumping

  • Excessive amounts of waste.
  • Excessive consumption behavior.
  • Population growth.
  • Food waste.
  • Electronic waste.
  • Plastic waste.
  • Cultural values.
  • Laziness.

What are the effects of solid waste pollution?

Solid waste pollution is caused mainly through urbanization and through industrial waste. It causes various diseases in human as bacillary dysentery, diarrhea and amoebic dysentery, plague, salmonellosis, trichinosis, endemic typhus, cholera, jaundice, hepatitis, gastro enteric diseases etc.

How do these waste affect humans and animals?

Animals can starve when they ingest too much plastic that they can’t digest. When animals ingest plastic waste, it can block their digestive tracts. As a result, they starve. Toxic chemicals in plastic can harm animals’ health—and people can ingest these chemicals as they make their way up the food chain.