Where can I charge my phone for free UK?

There are a number of services across the UK that offer free or cheap phone charging. Typically, these are found at hospitals, hotels, theme parks, cafes, restaurants and shopping centres. There are a few different types, such as special charging lockers, rentable power banks and charging points found on tables.

Where can I charge my phone for free?

Here are options to charge your cell phone or laptop:

  • Public Libraries. Public libraries are a top place to charge your phone without electricity at home.
  • Coffee Shops.
  • Malls.
  • Gym.
  • Fast Food Restaurants.
  • ChargeItSpot.
  • Place of Employment.
  • Free Municipality Charging Stations.

Where can I charge my phone Oxford Street?

You can find a ChargeBox in the John Lewis store located in Oxford Circus. These are small lockers with charging plugs in them. You can simply put your phone in the locker and use the provided key to keep everything safe.

Can I charge my phone in McDonald’s?

McDonald’s is to offer free wireless charging for people in its restaurants — if they have the right phones, which are rare. The company has a deal with wireless charging firm Aircharge to bring the chargers to 50 restaurants. In all, 600 of the charging points will be installed, all using the Qi standard.

Is charge up free?

Power bank rental & pricing With ChargedUp you are in essence renting a power bank for an amount of time of your choosing. It will cost you £1 per hour up to three hours of use, after which it is free for the rest of the day.

How much does it cost to charge a phone UK?

How much does it cost to charge a smartphone? Although we charge our phones every day, it actually costs less than you would think. According to U Switch, we charge our smartphones for an average of 2 hours 40 minutes a day. This means that in the UK, the cost of charging a mobile phone is just 85p a year, on average.

Can I charge my phone at Starbucks?

How Does it Work? Select Starbucks stores are equipped with ‘Powermat Spots’ – designated areas on tables and counters where customers can place their compatible device and charge wirelessly. Wireless power uses magnetic fields instead of electrical currents to charge a phone’s battery.

Can I charge my phone in Selfridges?

Selfridges launch the first free mobile phone charging on Oxford Street, with new Chargebox Free machines located in the menswear department of the prestigious store.

How do I Aircharge my phone?

Simply plug the Lightning connector into the port and place the orb on the Aircharge surface charger to charge. Alternatively, accessories such as the Aircharge keyring or MFi Lightning receiver can be plugged into the iPhone and placed on a wireless charger to transfer charge to the handset.

Do McDonalds have USB ports?

My local McDonalds has USB ports and outlets at the tables to charge your phone.

How do you use charge up?

This opens in a new window.

  1. Find your nearest ChargedUp station. Open the app to find stations near you.
  2. Scan to unlock a power bank. Scan the QR code on the ChargedUp station to release a power bank.
  3. Charge Anytime Anywhere.
  4. Return to any station.