Are Burpee tomatoes determinate or indeterminate?

Determinate (DET) : Bush-type tomato. It blossoms and fruit develop on the vine at the same time. The harvest time is short (7 to 20 days). Plants are self-topping and seldom need staking; best when caged.

How do you grow burpees from tomato seeds?

How to Sow and Plant

  1. Sow tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost in spring using a seed starting kit.
  2. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep in seed-starting formula.
  3. Keep the soil moist at 75 degrees F.
  4. Seedlings emerge in 7-14 days.

Can you plant seeds from hybrid tomatoes?

Is it possible to save seeds from hybrid tomatoes? A. Yes. However, be warned that hybrid tomato seeds will likely not produce tomatoes that are true to their type.

What is the quickest growing tomato?

Sub-Arctic: This “world’s earliest tomato” takes just six weeks to ripen and will set fruit in colder temperatures than other varieties. It’s not a heavy producer, but you’ll get plenty of tangy tomatoes that are perfect for fresh eating.

Which tomato seeds are best?

Here are some of the famous and Best Tomato Seeds in India to choose from!

  1. Pusa Early Dwarf. A variety developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
  2. Rashmi. It is a widely cultivated and determinate variety of tomatoes.
  3. Rupali.
  4. Sioux.
  5. Avishkar.
  6. Abhinav.
  7. Vaishali.
  8. Marglobe.

What happens if you save hybrid seeds?

When seed is saved from F1 hybrids, the resulting progeny tend (genetically) to revert back to the parents that were used to make the cross. The result is a loss of hybrid vigor and its benefits, along with disappointing performance.

What tomato plant produces the most tomatoes?

1. Stupice. This classic heirloom tomato is a heavy producer. The vigorous plant provides abundant fruit.

What tomato plants produce the most tomatoes?

Two paste varieties – “Jersey Devil” and “Russian Big Roma” – count themselves among the most prolific of plants producing plum-shaped tomatoes. Of the popular bite-sized cherry tomato varieties, “Blondkopfchen,” “Grape Tomato,” “Ildi,” “Juane Flamme” and “Sun Gold” plants are among the most prolific.