How long does it take to go through the Buford Corn Maze?

On average, families and groups spend three to four hours with us. We recommend you choose your length of stay based on your family’s or group’s needs. We love animals, but there are many people who are not comfortable around them. Therefore, pets are not permitted at Buford Corn Maze.

How much does the Buford Corn Maze cost?

Q: How much are tickets? A: Single admission for the Corn Maze and all attractions other than the Haunted Forest and pony rides are $16. The Haunted Forest (limit one admission per visit) and all attractions other than the Corn Maze and pony rides are $16.

What is the largest corn maze in Georgia?

Score yourself a visit to the largest corn maze in Georgia and really up the ante. While Uncle Shuck’s is the longest-operating corn maze in Georgia, Washington Farms in Bogart, Georgia happens to be one of the largest in the state.

What is corn maze season?

Corn maze crops should be planted from mid to late May in the northern hemisphere, or mid to late November in the southern hemisphere.

How many acres is Buford Corn Maze?

Gather your friends and family for fun around every corner in our five-acre corn maze!

Where is the haunted forest in Albany GA?

3920 Fleming Road
The Haunted forest is located at 3920 Fleming Road. We’ve also got an interactive map of other Halloween activities in South Georgia by clicking here.

How many acres is Buford corn Maze?

Is there corn fields in Georgia?

Georgia is fortunate to have a rich agriculture and tourism history, so there are plenty of corn maze offerings dotting the state. Start exploring Georgia’s farm fun this fall with these six corn mazes.

Are corn mazes fun?

As several farms say, it’s much more fun than “a walk in the stalks.” The maze known for its corny themes strikes again with “Pirates of the Corn-ibbean.” In addition to the five-acre maze, activities include giant slides, hayrides, an obstacle course and pumpkin slingshots.

Where is the biggest corn maze in America?

The World’s Largest Corn Maze at Richardson Adventure Farm in Spring Grove, Illinois.

Why is it called a corn maze?

A corn maze or maize maze is a maze cut out of a corn field. The first corn maze was in Annville, Pennsylvania. Corn mazes have become popular tourist attractions in North America, and are a way for farms to generate tourist income. Many are based on artistic designs such as characters from movies.

Is Maze a corn?

Maize is typically used when referring to the crop in its agricultural environment. Farmers grow maize, however they sell it to various other places as corn, especially when it will be used as food. Just remember that while not all corn is maize, all maize is technically corn!