How do I stop nasal spray rebounding?

To prevent rebound congestion, use over-the-counter decongestant nasal sprays for no more than three days in a row, with as few doses as possible each day. Prescription nasal sprays containing steroids don’t cause this rebound effect, so they can be used on a daily basis for years.

Does Nasonex have a rebound effect?

Rebound congestion or addiction is a common side effect of nasal sprays. However, the manufacturer of Nasonex claims that this is not a side effect of Nasonex.

Does nasal spray wake you up?

Decongestant products, including nasal sprays, can raise blood pressure and pulse rate. They can also cause you to feel nervous or dizzy, or make it hard for you to get to sleep.

When does rebound congestion occur?

Rebound congestion is a constant nasal stuffiness (congestion) that develops from the overuse of nasal sprays (or drops or gels) that contain a decongestant medicine. This type of congestion occurs even when a person is not experiencing allergies or other cold-like symptoms.

How do you wean off steroid nasal spray?

Stopping treatment If you’re taking a prescription spray, do not stop using it unless the doctor advises you to do so. You may need to reduce your dose gradually. This can help avoid unpleasant side effects (withdrawal symptoms), such as severe tiredness, joint pain, being sick and dizziness.

Is Nasonex habit forming?

For the majority of nasal sprays, the answer is NO. Nasal steroids sprays (Flonase®, Nasocort®, Nasonex®, etc. ) are safe to use on a daily basis and are now largely over-the-counter. These sprays are non-addictive and typically do not cause any long term changes to the nasal passages.

Is Nasonex safe to use long term?

How long can I use Nasonex® Allergy nasal spray for? You can use Nasonex® Allergy nasal spray on a daily basis for up to 6 months if needed. Do not use for more than 6 months continuously without the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

How long does nasal spray withdrawal last?

Recovery typically takes less than one week and withdrawal symptoms can be easily managed. Research suggests that the best way to stop overusing DNSs is to switch to a steroid nasal spray.