What was Minecraft 1.0 called?

Adventure Update (Part 2)
Initially named “Beta 1.9”, Mojang Studios instead opted to release this update under the name “Minecraft 1.0….Minecraft Interactive Experience.

Edition Java Edition
Official name Adventure Update (Part 2)
Release date November 18, 2011
Compilation date November 14, 2011

What did 1.8 Add to Minecraft?

Minecraft Java Edition 1.8 is called the Bountiful Update and was released on September 2, 2014. It is considered to be a major update to the game that added banners, armor stands, rabbits, guardians and lots of new game commands.

Is Minecraft 1.18 already released?

Minecraft 1.18 launched on November 30, 2021. With Caves and Cliffs part 2 now out, you should see version 1.18 recommended as the latest version in your Minecraft Launcher. Always remember to back up your old save files before loading them into the newest version of the game.

When was the elytra added?

The Elytra wings arrived for PC Minecraft in October 2015, and they’re a pain in the arse to find in game. Obtaining them involves going to The End, where be the Ender Dragon, and finding a flying ship where the wings are mounted on a wall.

What is the minecraft 1.23 update?

1.23: The Arsenal Update was a Minecraft update that added more weapons to fight with, along with some new mobs. It was significantly smaller than the last update, 1.22: The Multiverse Update, as that one added a massive amount of content, mostly dimensions and mobs.

What is 1.20 update called?

– The End Update
The End Update is a major Minecraft Update released on August 6th, 2021. It completely overhauls and revamps The End Dimension and adds a massive amount of content. It also includes 6 new biomes in the End and a revamp of Bows.