What did Jesus and Socrates share in common?

Jesus and Socrates both won disciples who followed them around to gain from their wisdom and knowledge. Jesus like Socrates was famous for going against what was standard practice in his society. This includes permitting work on the Sabbath and the sparing of the adulterous woman.

Who was first Socrates or Jesus?

So who were Socrates and Jesus? Socrates lived eight hundred miles apart from, four centuries earlier than and twice as long as Jesus. At his death in a prison cell in Athens in 399 BC, Socrates was seventy years old.

How does Socrates compare Jesus?

While, Socrates was polytheistic, believing in several gods. Jesus, in the other hand was monotheism, believed in only one God. Both were charged, tried, and executed for their “radical” behavior with society. Overall, both men sacrificed themselves for the possible chance of change.

Who wrote down Socrates ideas?

Socrates (469-399 BCE) was a Greek Philosopher who thought and taught through argumentative dialogue, or dialectic. Socrates did not write down any of his thoughts, however his dialogues were recorded by his student and protégé, the philosopher Plato (428 – 347 BCE).

How is the life of Socrates comparable to the life of Jesus?

Socrates and Jesus were very humane individuals. They believed in the righteous and tried to do all that was good for the people. They both tried to inspire people to think for themselves and to use their knowledge for the good of others. This trait is what made both Jesus and Socrates wise teachers of their day.

What God did Socrates worship?

Although he never outright rejected the standard Athenian view of religion, Socrates’ beliefs were nonconformist. He often referred to God rather than the gods, and reported being guided by an inner divine voice.

Why was Socrates accused of atheism?

Exemplary Answer to Question 1. Socrates was accused of atheism, but he was not an atheist. The above statement by Dr. Saka has two clauses, both of which are true—Socrates was indeed accused of not believing in the city’s gods, but he himself claimed to believe in them.