Is standard for fly ash bricks?

There are two most BIS standard ( IS 3495 & IS 10077) is available for testing the Fly Ash bricks.

Which brick is better fly ash or normal brick?

In all aspects fly, ash bricks are better than clay bricks. They are environment-friendly because the maximum constituent is ash and flies ash bricks have greater strength as compared to red bricks. We can choose to fly ash brick which is the best brick for home construction.

What is brick size in India?

190 mm x 90 mm x 90 millimeter
Standard Brick size in India: In India, brick size is 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 millimeter according to the proposal of BIS(Bureau of Indian standards). Inclusive of mortar, module size becomes 200 x 100 x 100 millimeter. Also, apart from size orientation plays a huge role in the aesthetics and structure of the building.

Is 3812 specification for fly ash?

4 IS : 3812” 1981 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard covers the extraction and the physical and chemical requirements of fly ash for use as a pozzolana for part replacement of cement, for use with lime, for use as an admixture and for the manu- facture of Portland pozzolana cement conforming to IS : 1489-1976*.

How many types of fly ash are there?

Two classes
Two classes of fly ash are defined in ASTM C618: 1) Class F fly ash, and 2) Class C fly ash. Fly ash that is produced from the burning of anthracite or bituminous coal is typically pozzolanic and is referred to as a Class F fly ash if it meets the chemical composition and physical requirements specified in ASTM C618.

What is standard brick size in India?

Standard Brick size in India: In India, brick size is 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 millimeter according to the proposal of BIS(Bureau of Indian standards).

What is the disadvantage of fly ash?

Disadvantages of Fly Ash The quality of fly ash can affect the quality and strength of Cement concrete. Poor quality fly ash can increase the permeability of the concrete and cause damage to the building.