What can I study in the University of Buea?

Programs and courses

  • Bachelor of Laws(Laws)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering(Computer Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering(Software Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Science in Economics(Economics)
  • Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication(Journalism and Mass Communication)

How does Buea calculate GPA?

In order to determine the Grade Point Average of a candidate, the appropriate grade points assigned to the corresponding letter grade is multiplied by the credit value of the course. The products are added for all courses registered for and the sum divided by the total number of credits registered for.

How many Faculty are in the University of Buea?

As of 2021, there are currently eight (8) Faculties at The University of Buea.

How many students are in the University of Buea?

The student population is over 13,000, including 50 who are physically and visually disabled. Adequate welfare provision for this latter category of students remains a challenge for the university administration. There are 300 permanent and 200 part-time teaching staff.

What is the name of the chancellor of the University of Buea?

The new Pro-Chancellor of the University of Buea, Professor Ako Edward Oben, is a distinguished Administrator and Professor of American and Commonwealth Literatures. Professor Ako Edward Oben, until 5 pm of 27 June 2017 was the Rector of the University of Maroua.

Where is the University of Buea situated?

Mount Cameroon
Welcome to the University of Buea. Our university located in the historic town of Buea on the eastern flank of Mount Cameroon, is the only English-speaking institution of its kind in predominantly French-speaking Central Africa.

Who is the registrar of the University of Buea?

According to a decree signed by the Head of State and read on state media, Prof Eneke épouse Bechem Esoeyang Tambe as the new Registrar of the University of Buea in replacement of Prof Ernest Molua.

Who is the highest authority in the University of Buea?

The Council, which is the supreme governing body of the University, is chaired by the Pro-Chancellor.

Is University of Buea accredited?

University of Buea (UB) is located in Buéa, South West Province, Cameroon. It is locally known as Université de Buéa. The university was established in 1992. It is accredited by Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Cameroon.

What is the history of the University of Buea?

The University of Buea was born in 1993 following wide-ranging university reforms in Cameroon. Conceived in the English-speaking tradition, the University of Buea seeks to foster the essence of that system, while situating itself within the larger bilingual and multicultural context of Cameroon.

Who is the rector of the University of Buea?

Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga is the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea. He was appointed by Presidential Decree Nº 2017/318 of 27 June 2017.

When was University of Buea created?

1992Central Administration University of buea / Founded