What is the gap between pergola rafters?

16 to 20 inches apart
Spacing the rafters 16 to 20 inches apart is common. The most important rule in spacing is to keep the distance consistent between all the rafters. Install the front and rear rafters first, fastening them to the face of the support posts above the girder.

Should I notch pergola rafters?

Mark on the board where the four support beams are located on your cross beam. You will need to notch out this area so that the board fits over the support beams.

How far apart are rafters spaced?

Standard industry roof rafter spacing is 12”, 16”, 19.2”, and 24” on-center, however other spacing may be used by a Structural Engineer. Depending on all contributing factors though, 16” and 24” are commonly used for most buildings. The wider the space between rafters often results in rafters of greater depth too.

How far can a 2×6 span on a pergola?

A 2×6 spaced 16 inches apart can span a maximum distance of 13 feet 5 inches when used as a rafter, 10 feet 9 inches when used as a joist, and 6 feet 11 inches when used as a deck beam to support joists with a 6-foot span.

Can I attach pergola to fascia?

The Alumawood Pergola Lattice covers attach directly to your homes fascia board, fascia board does need to be at least two inches thick, the rafters are available in two heights, 6 1/2″ and 8″, most kits are 6 1/2″ and you need to verify there is enough room for the rafters to attach to your fascia board.

What timber is best for a pergola?

Western Red Cedar and Redwood are the two most commonly used woods for pergolas, aside from pressure-treated wood. Western Red Cedar (WRC) and Redwood are both naturally stunning woods and often lumped together.

How are rafters attached?

Rafters are beams that run from the peak of the roof to the top plate of the supporting walls. They join at the peak of the roof by connecting to the opposing rafter or to a ridge beam that runs the length of the peak of the house or shed. Rafters are installed piece-by-piece during the construction of the roof.