Can concussion cause convergence insufficiency?

Convergence insufficiency can also be caused by a traumatic brain injury (even a concussion). Here is what you need to know about this vision condition that causes headaches, double vision and reading difficulties.

Can post-concussion syndrome cause vision problems?

Ocular dysfunction that commonly occurs with concussion includes abnormalities of accommodation, convergence, saccades and smooth pursuits. This may cause blurred vision, double vision, ocular pain and difficulty with close work. Symptoms can severely affect daily work, school or play activities.

Can TBI cause convergence insufficiency?

The most common vergence dysfunction in TBI patients is a convergence insufficiency, usually occurring as a result of damage to the oculomotor nerve or the medial rectus muscles, causing symptoms to be most evident when reading or performing other near tasks.

How do you help a child with convergence insufficiency?

Parents should know that convergence insufficiency can cause numerous symptoms that make it difficult to read and comprehend. However, doctors now have evidence that office-based vision therapy with a trained therapist plus at-home therapy reinforcement can treat the condition and eliminate symptoms.

Does convergence insufficiency go away?

Symptoms may only happen when you are tired or have a lot of close visual work. Eye care providers can diagnose CI with a health history and eye exam. Most of the time, it will go away if you regularly do special eye exercises.

How long does it take to correct convergence insufficiency?

Treatment for convergence insufficiency might take three months or longer. Treatment can resolve convergence insufficiency, but symptoms might recur after illness, after lack of sleep, or when you’re doing a lot of reading or other close work. Discuss treatment options with your eye care professional.

Is Post Trauma vision syndrome permanent?

Treatment time can range from weeks to more than a year, and the neurological changes are permanent. Treatment for PTVS is commonly coordinated with other professionals. Most eye examinations concentrate on acuity and the physical health of the eye.

Is convergence insufficiency serious?

If untreated, CI can lead to more serious eye problems such as lazy eye (amblyopia) or even an eye turn (strabismus). If the convergence problems are left untreated, suppression can result.

Do children outgrow convergence insufficiency?

Your child’s symptoms may go away in a fairly short period of time if your child does the exercises regularly. Computer programs can help treat CI. These can make the eyes better able to converge.

Can convergence insufficiency get worse?