What was the significance of the Brook Farm?

Brook Farm was noted particularly for the modern educational theory of its excellent school, which sought to establish “perfect freedom of relations between students and teaching body.” Discipline at the school was never punitive; rather, it consisted of a gentle attempt to instill in the student a sense of personal …

What did the Brook Farm believe in?

The members of Brook Farm believed that they could create a utopian microcosm of society that would eventually serve as a model for and inaugurate the social macrocosm. Plan of the West Roxbury Community. Article by Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, The Dial, January 1842.

Was the Brook Farm successful?

When the uninsured building was destroyed in a fire, the community was financially devastated and never recovered. It was fully closed by 1847. Despite the experimental commune’s failure, many Brook Farmers looked back on their experience positively.

Why was Brook Farm unsuccessful?

As a result, many Transcendentalist communities were formed, such as Brook Farm. However, most of them, including Brook Farm, did not survive that long. Brook Farm failed because in its quest to become a self-sufficient, utopian society, a shift towards Fourierism caused financial hardships.

What was Brook Farm quizlet?

brook farm. A transcendentalist Utopian experiment, put into practice by transcendentalist former Unitarian minister George Ripley at a farm in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, at that time nine miles from Boston. The community, in operation from 1841 to 1847, was inspired by the socialist concepts of Charles Fourier.

Was Brook Farm successful?

When the uninsured building was destroyed in a fire, the community was financially devastated and never recovered. It was fully closed by 1847. Despite the experimental commune’s failure, many Brook Farmers looked back on their experience positively….Brook Farm.

Significant dates
Designated NHL July 23, 1965

Who established Brook Farm?

minister George Ripley
In 1841, Sophia Willard Dana Ripley (1803-61) and her husband, the Unitarian minister George Ripley, founded Brook Farm in rural West Roxbury (which is now part of Boston) on a 200-acre dairy farm.

What was wrong with Brook Farm?

The community was never financially stable and had difficulty profiting from its agricultural pursuits. By 1844, the Brook Farmers adopted a societal model based on the socialist concepts of Charles Fourier and began publishing The Harbinger as an unofficial journal promoting Fourierism.

When was the Brook Farm started?


Why did the Brook Farm fail?