What is the CAP drill manual?

It describes the movements and procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades and color guards. This pamphlet is for general use throughout CAP and is a guide for CAP members teaching, learning, or participating in drill and ceremonies. It applies to all CAP units, members, and activities.

How many questions are on the Wright brothers test?

You must correctly answer at least 24 of the 30 questions to pass Part 1 and advance to Part 2 of the exam. When you pass both Parts 1 and 2, you will receive credit for passing the exam. This is a closed book test You may not use any reference materials while taking the exam.

Are Civil Air Patrol tests open book?

As a safety valve protecting the integrity of cadet awards, milestone award exams will remain closed-book and controlled by the squadron. Units may use paper-based or online versions of these exams.

What AFI covers drill?

This manual is for general use throughout the US Air Force and is a guide for persons teaching, learning, or participating in drill and ceremonies (see Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-1201, Protocol).

What foot do you call eyes right on?

1. Eyes Right – The preparatory command and command of execution are given on the right left foot while marching.

Is the Wright brothers exam multiple choice?

This test includes multiple-choice questions from the first three chapters of Learn to Lead and a section testing performance in drill and ceremonies. Because it is closed-book, the Wright Brothers Award exam is administered in the squadron.

How do you rank up in Civil Air Patrol?

To progress, cadets must (1) participate actively; (2) pass a written leadership test; (3) pass a written aerospace test; (4) pass a physical fitness test; (5) participate in character development forums; and most of all (6) demonstrate they have the maturity to accept increased responsibility.

Is the Wright brothers test multiple choice?

Leadership: This test includes multiple-choice questions from the first three chapters of Learn to Lead and a section testing performance in drill and ceremonies. Because it is closed-book, the Wright Brothers Award exam is administered in the squadron.

What are the core values of CAP?

In February 1999, the CAP National Board formally approved the following core values: Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence, and Respect. Over time, CAP has integrated these core values into all professional development programs for senior members and cadets.

How can you strengthen your character CAP?

It grows stronger as you exercise it. Clear conscience, good reputation, and an environment of trust and respect. The basic qualities CAP expects all members to display at all times, a guide to how we live and perform CAP missions. Integrity: the willingness to do what is right, even when no one is looking.