What are the features of IT amendment Act 2008?

viii. Sections 66A to 66F has been added to Section 66 prescribing punishment for offences such as obscene electronic message transmissions, identity theft, cheating by impersonation using computer resource, violation of privacy and cyber terrorism.

Why was the Information Technology amendment Act 2008 necessary?

Thus the Act was enacted to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as “electronic commerce”, which involved the use of alternatives to traditional or paper-based methods of communication and storage …

What is the use of IT Act, 2000 what amendment was added in it amendment 2008?

A major amendment was made in 2008. It introduced Section 66A which penalized sending “offensive messages”. It also introduced Section 69, which gave authorities the power of “interception or monitoring or decryption of any information through any computer resource”.

When was the IT Act amended?

10 OF 2009 [5th February, 2009.] An Act further to amend the Information Technology Act, 2000. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- PART I PRELIMINARY 1. (1) This Act may be called the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, Short title and commencement.

WHAT IS IT Act and its objectives?

What are the objectives of the Information Technology Act, 2000? Answer: The primary objectives of the IT Act, 2000 are: Granting legal recognition to all transactions done through electronic data exchange, other means of electronic communication or e-commerce in place of the earlier paper-based communication.

What is the updated version of the IT Act 2008?

13. What is the updated version of the IT Act, 2000? Explanation: In the year 2008, the IT Act, 2000 was updated and came up with a much broader and precise law on different computer-related crimes and cyber offenses. 14.

What are the features of it act?

Features of the Information Technology Act, 2000

  • All electronic contracts created through secure electronic channels were legally valid.
  • Legal recognition for digital signatures.
  • Security measures for electronic records and conjointly digital signatures are in place.