How can I read English books for free?

We give more details about each one below, but the following sites all offer (or curate a collection with) free books online:

  2. Goodreads.
  3. International Children’s Digital Library.
  4. Internet Sacred Text Archive.
  5. ManyBooks.
  6. Open Culture.
  7. Open Library.
  8. Overdrive.

Which is the best English reading book?

10 Great and Easy English Books You Must Read

  1. Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White.
  2. Mieko and the Fifth Treasure – Eleanor Coerr.
  3. The Outsiders – S.E. Hinton.
  4. The House On Mango Street – Sandra Cisneros.
  5. Thirteen Reasons Why – Jay Asher.
  6. Peter Pan – J.M. Barrie.
  7. The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemmingway.
  8. The Giver – Lois Lowry.

Which English story book is best for beginners?

5 Great English Books for Beginners

  • 1 Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White.
  • 2 James and the Giant Peach – Roald Dahl. The next book I want to recommend is James and the Giant Peach written by the British author Roald Dahl.
  • 3 Winnie the Pooh – A.A.Milne.
  • 4 Mary Poppins – P.L.
  • 5 Aesop’s Fables – Aesop.

Where can I download English books?

Here are best sources to download free English books.

  1. ManyBooks. Visit ManyBooks.
  2. Project Gutenberg. Visit Project Gutenberg.
  3. ChildrensLibrary. Visit Children’s Library.
  4. ARCHIVE. Visit
  5. OpenLibrary. Visit OpenLibrary.
  6. Free-ebooks. Visit Free-ebooks.

How do I choose a book to read?

  1. Read Your Favorite Authors’ Works.
  2. Create a Personal Reading List.
  3. Go to a Bookstore and Pick Up a Book That Sparks an Interest in You.
  4. Don’t Buy Books in Bulk.
  5. Don’t Finish the Books You Don’t Feel Like Continuing.
  6. Don’t Be Obsessed With the Number of Books You Have/Should Read.

How do you pick a book?

How To Choose A Book

  1. Stories that have an intriguing plot and an interesting setting.
  2. Themes that would appeal specifically to your child.
  3. Language that is rich and evocative.
  4. Reading level and vocabulary that are age appropriate.
  5. Intriguing and believable characters.
  6. Readability. Try reading a bit of the text aloud.

How do I find books I like?

17 Ways To Find Good Books To Read

  1. The Book Seer. Ask the Book Seer what to read next, and based on your preferences, he’ll kindly suggest a similar author and book.
  2. Goodreads.
  3. Head for Nobel Prize Winners.
  4. Take a Look at Best Books Ever Lists.
  5. WhichBook.
  6. Avoid Best Sellers.
  7. Penguin Classics.
  8. Head to Bookstores.