How do I make a circular arrow diagram in PowerPoint?

Select your text> go to Format> Text Effects> Transform. Choose the first option Arch Up for the upper two arrows and the second option Arch Down for the bottom two arrows. You have with you the creatively designed Circular Arrow.

How do you make circular arrows in Illustrator?

Curved arrows like this are easy to create in Adobe Illustrator….How to Create Curved Arrows in Illustrator

  1. Click on the “Line Tool” in the toolbox and select the “Arc Tool.” In your workspace, click the mouse and drag it until you have created an arc.
  2. Select the “Black Cursor” from the toolbox and click on the arc.

How do I create a process circle in PowerPoint?

Add an Oval shape to the slide (hold the Shift key while drawing to make it a circle). Select the circle and press Ctrl+D to duplicate it. Move the new circle on top of the existing one. Reduce the size of the circle by grabbing the handle with the mouse and dragging it (hold Ctrl+Shift while resizing).

How do you draw a circle in PowerPoint?

Draw an oval or circle

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes.
  2. Under Basic Shapes, click Oval .
  3. Click where you want the circle to start. To make the shape a circle, press and hold SHIFT while you drag to draw. Notes:

How do you add an arrow in Google Slides?

Insert an Arrow in a Slide in Google Slides Step 1: Sign into Google Drive and open the presentation to which you want to add an arrow. Step 2: Select the slide where you want the arrow from the list of slides at the left side of the window. Step 3: Click the Line button in the toolbar, then select the Arrow option.

How do you draw a curved line in Google Slides?

Adding a curve shape Select the Curve from the Line menu. Click on the slide, then move to another point on the slide and click again. Each time it will draw a curve between the two points. To finish, you need to click on the original starting point, so that the shape is complete.