How long is the Camino de Santiago in KM?
How long is the Camino de Santiago in KM?
825 km
The total distance of the Camino is 825 km. What is this? Camino Primitivo (the Original Way) – one of the lesser walked Camino routes, about 5% of all pilgrims.
How many km do you walk in a day Camino de Santiago?
between 20 km and 25 km
Daily distances on the Camino de Santiago are between 20 km and 25 km. The average walking speed of an adult is 5 km/3 mi per hour.
How many km do you walk a day on the Camino?
The Camino Frances starts in St Jean Pied de Port in France and is nearly 800kms long, or 500 miles in total. It would take just over a month or 35 days to walk the Full Camino Frances from St Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela, considering you are walking an average of 25 km per day.
How long is the Santiago de Compostela walk?
Stretching 500 miles over hilly terrain, this northern trek typically takes 35 days for the seasoned hiker.
What is the shortest walk for Camino de Santiago?
the Camino Ingles
The shortest Camino walk is the route known as the Camino Ingles, in Northern Galicia. The Camino Ingles has, in fact, two official starting points: the port-cities of A Coruña and Ferrol, located 75km and 113kms away from Santiago, respectively.
How fast can you walk the Camino de Santiago?
Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, the walk should take you about 30 to 35 days; in order to achieve this time, you would need to walk between 23 and 27 kilometers per day (14 to 16 miles).
How fit do I need to be to walk the Camino?
Build up from short walks 2-3 times a week of approximately 3-5km, to longer walks of approximately 5-10km. Work gradually towards testing yourself in the final week on at least one walk which is similar to the average daily distance of your Camino itinerary. Put that day in your diary now and stick to it.
How many miles is the El Camino walk?
Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims pursue the Camino Francés each year, making this 491-mile path the most popular and accomplished in the entire history of the Camino.