What pine needles can be used for tea?

Which Pine Needles are safe for tea? The Eastern White Pine makes a great tea, but any variety of pine, spruce, or hemlock tree can be used. Avoid using needles from any Cypress or Yew tree as they can be toxic.

Is it good to drink pine needle tea?

The best benefits of pine needle tea may include maximizing the immune system, improving vision, preventing respiratory infections, stimulating circulation, avoiding chronic disease, increasing cognitive performance, strengthening heart health, and speeding healing.

Can I make my own pine needle tea?

Making Pine needle Tea: Chop the needles lightly, and put into a sieve. Pour just boiling water over them, or boil them in water and strain. Let steep for at least 5 minutes, covered. Add lemon juice and honey to improve the flavor.

What does boiling pine needles do?

It can be used as an expectorant for coughs and to help relieve chest congestion; it is also good for sore throats. It brings you clarity and mental clearness. It can help with depression, obesity, allergies and high blood pressure. Pine needles contain antioxidants.

Does pine needle tea interact with medications?

This product may adversely interact with certain health and medical conditions, other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, foods, or other dietary supplements. This product may be unsafe when used before surgery or other medical procedures.

What pine needles are toxic?

Some plants tagged as pines, including Norfolk Island pine (​Araucaria heterophylla​, USDA zones 9-11) and Yew pine (​Podocarpus macrophyllus​, zones 7-9), are not true pines, but they both contain toxic compounds and should be planted with care when you’re looking for evergreen trees to grace your yard.

How long should pine needle tea steep?

about 20 minutes
Let your pine needle tea steep for about 20 minutes, or until the needles sink to the bottom of your pot or cup. At this point, you can strain the needles out or leave them in while you drink. If you plan on storing your tea for later, remove the needles to prevent over-steeping.

How much pine needle tea can you drink?

Drinking a cup or two of pine needle tea per day will help fuel your body with antioxidants, which are highly important for the functioning of your body and blood. Pine needles possesses a slew of antioxidants, in the form of vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as a host of flavonoids.

How do you make pine needle tea?


  1. Remove pine needles from the woody stems. Trim off any brown needles.
  2. Bring tea water to a boil. Pour into a teapot, saucepan, or a French Press.
  3. Add needles to the water.
  4. Strain out the needles by pouring tea into glasses through a mesh sieve.
  5. Serve hot, with lemon if desired.

What are the side effects of pine needle tea?

Pine oil that is released when brewing the tea, can have inflammatory effects on the skin and stomach, resulting in stomach upset in some people. Given these possible side-effects, it is recommended that you only try about half a cup in the beginning.

Does pine needle tea lower blood pressure?

It can help with depression, obesity, allergies and high blood pressure.