What is the remainder for 29 divided by 5?
What is the remainder for 29 divided by 5?
Using a calculator, if you typed in 29 divided by 5, you’d get 5.8. You could also express 29/5 as a mixed fraction: 5 4/5. If you look at the mixed fraction 5 4/5, you’ll see that the numerator is the same as the remainder (4), the denominator is our original divisor (5), and the whole number is our final answer (5).
What is the amount left over in division?
REMAINDER The number which is left over after division is called the remainder.
What is the remainder when 28 is divided by 5?
The quotient (integer division) of 28/5 equals 5; the remainder (“left over”) is 3.
What is the remainder of 29 divided by 4?
The quotient (integer division) of 29/4 equals 7; the remainder (“left over”) is 1. 29 is the dividend, and 4 is the divisor.
How do you solve 29 divided by 5?
What is 29 Divided by 5?
- 29 divided by 5 in decimal = 5.8.
- 29 divided by 5 in fraction = 29/5.
- 29 divided by 5 in percentage = 580%
What is 29 over 5 as a mixed number?
5 4/5
Answer: 29/5 as a mixed number can be written as 5 4/5.
What is my remainder?
Remainder is the value left after the division. If a number (dividend) is not completely divisible by another number (divisor) then we are left with a value once the division is done. This value is called the remainder.
What is the remainder when 21 is divided by 7?
Expert-verified answer Solution – On performing divison of 21 by 7, the remainder left will be zero. The quotient will be 3.
How do you explain 30 divided by 5?
Conclusion. To sum up, 30/5 = 6. It is a whole number with no fractional part. As division with remainder the result of 30 ÷ 5 = 6 R 0.
How do you solve 32 divided by 5?
32 divided by 5 is 6.4. Let’s use mental math to solve: We know that 5 x 6 = 30, so 32 divided by 5 is 6 with a remainder 2.
What is the remainder of 29 divided by 6?
What is the Quotient and Remainder of 29 Divided by 6? The quotient (integer division) of 29/6 equals 4; the remainder (“left over”) is 5.
What is the remainder of 29 divided by 8?
The quotient (integer division) of 29/8 equals 3; the remainder (“left over”) is 5.