What does dither do in Photoshop GIF?
What does dither do in Photoshop GIF?
The Dither percentage controls the amount of dithering that is applied to the image. A higher dithering percentage creates the appearance of more colors and more detail in an image but can also increase the file size.
How do I dither in Photoshop?
Control dither in web images
- Open an image and choose File > Save For Web.
- Choose your optimization settings.
- Enter a value in the Dither text box, or click the Dither menu arrow and drag the slider that appears.
- The Dither percentage controls the amount of dithering that is applied to the image.
How do I make high quality gifs in Photoshop?
Go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy)…
- Select GIF 128 Dithered from the Preset menu.
- Select 256 from the Colors menu.
- If you are using the GIF online or want to limit the file size of the animation, change Width and Height fields in the Image Size options.
- Select Forever from the Looping Options menu.
What the difference between dither and no dither?
No dithering results in flat, adjacent areas of black, white or a limited number of grays. Pattern dithering places the black-and-white pixels in a grid. Diffusion dithering results in random but evenly spaced pixels and noise dithering pixels are unevenly spaced. The dithering methods give differing shading effects.
How does dithering affect the file size of a GIF?
Summary: Dithering uses existing colors to strategically change pixels to minimize apparent banding. While dithering increases file size, when used in combination with lossy compression and weighted optimization, dithering can allow lower bit-depths for GIFs and PNGs.
Why would you dither an image?
Dithering is used in computer graphics to create the illusion of color depth in images on systems with a limited color palette. In a dithered image, colors that are not available in the palette are approximated by a diffusion of colored pixels from within the available palette.
What is dithering art?
Dithering is used to create the illusion of color depth in images with a limited amount of colors. By using the available colors and mixing them, in-between colors are mimicked. Depending on the lack of available colors, dithering becomes visible as grain.
How do you make GIFs smoother?
Ways to manually speed up GIF animations
- Crop and resize. Smaller images load faster than big ones, so decreasing the dimensions of you GIFs can result in minor savings.
- Trim the animation timeline.
- Lower the frame rate.
- Reduce the number of colors.
- Experiment with transparency.
When should I use dithering?
You only need to use dither when bouncing a file at a lower bit-depth than it was recorded. You should always apply dither when bouncing a 16-bit file from a 24 or 32-bit mix. Technically, you do not need to apply dither when bouncing a 24-bit file from a 32-bit float session, as it has the same bit depth.