What is TA in address?
What is TA in address?
TA stands for Target Address.
What does T a mean medical?
List of medical abbreviations: T
Abbreviation | Meaning |
T | thoracic vertebrae |
Tx | Treatment |
TA | temporal arteritis |
T&A | tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy |
What does T a mean in auditing?
TA Accounting Abbreviation
2 | TA | Throughput, Management, Constraint |
1 | TA | Tax, Advisor, Business |
1 | TA | Tax, Audit, Auditor |
1 | TA | Fund, Advance, Financial |
1 | TA | Business, Finance, Accountancy |
What does T & A stand for?
tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Also: T and A.
What does TA mean shipping?
Managing transportation is easy and convenient with a transport administration system (TA system).
What is a TA in healthcare?
Healthcare, Health, Disease. 3. TA. Teaching Assistant.
What is T A stands for?
us. COMMERCE, LAW. written abbreviation for trading as: used to show the name used by a business when advertising, dealing with customers, etc. rather than the name recorded for legal purposes: Andrew Clarke, t/a Clarke’s Cakes.
What is CLA in audit?
A conditional listing application (CLA) is an interim step in the listing process for a company that seeks to be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).
What is TNA medical?
Temporary Nurse Aide (TNA)
What is TNA in garment industry?
TNA in Garment Industry Time and Action Calendar or TNA, a popular tool used in apparel manufacturing industry is a technique for tracking and following up of important milestones in preproduction processes to ensure timely delivery within stipulated delivery date.