Is IR imperfect or preterite?

Ir is a Spanish verb meaning to go. Ir is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense.

What are the IR verbs endings?

Spanish Present Tense: -ar, -er and -ir verbs

Subject -IR verb endings
él/ella (he / she) -e
nosotros/as (we) -imos
vosotros/as (you all) -ís
ellos / ellas (they) -en

Is IR irregular in the imperfect tense?

The verbs ir (to go), ver (to see), and ser (to be) are completely irregular in the imperfect tense.

What is the imperfect form of IR?

Ir conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Imperfect
yo voy iba
vas ibas
él, ella, Usted va iba
nosotros vamos íbamos

What are the ER IR verb endings in Spanish?

ER & IR Verbs
yo com + o viv + o
com + es viv + es
é / ella / usted com + e viv + e

What are all the verb endings for regular AR verbs in the imperfect tense?

To form the imperfect tense of -ar verbs, take off the -ar ending and add the endings: -aba, -abas, -aba, -ábamos, -abais, -aban. To form the imperfect tense of -er and -ir verbs, take off the -er and -ir endings and add the endings: -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían.

How do you conjugate IR?

Simply put, to conjugate an -ir verb, drop the -ir and add the appropriate ending according to the person and tense. For example, in the present tense you add -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, or -en to the remaining stem after removing -ir.

How do I conjugate IR?

How is IR conjugated?

“Ir” is an irregular verb. It doesn’t follow normal rules for verb conjugation. So you need to memorize its conjugations….Imperative.

Subject Affirmative Negative
ve no vayas
Ud. vaya no vaya
nosotros vayamos no vayamos
vosotros id no vayáis