Can you use an unsterilised bottle?

They will sterilise once a week and insist this is okay as long as the bottles and teats are washed properly. They say it’s important to sterilise everything when they are first bought but because our tap water is so clean then it is fine to not bother sterilising every time. Relax, they’ll almost certainly be fine.

How long do bottles stay sterile once removed from UV steriliser?

24 hours
After sterilisation, your products will stay sterile for 24 hours when stored properly. We know, it seems like a lot of work, but it really doesn’t take too long and its super simple – it’ll become a natural part of your daily routine in no time!

Is UV sterilizer safe for baby bottles?

Yes, they are safe for babies, in fact, medical professionals have relied on UV sterilising to sterilise rooms and equipment for years now. Also, unlike UVA rays, which causes skin ageing, and UVB rays, which causes sunburn, UV sterilisers use artificial UVC rays, which kill germs and bacteria, safely and quickly.

Do you have to sterilize baby bottles after every use?

Do I Need to Sterilize My Baby’s Bottles? Before the first use, sterilize nipples and bottles in boiling water for 5 minutes. After that, you don’t have to sterilize your baby’s bottles and supplies each time you feed your baby. Do wash bottles and nipples in hot, soapy water (or in the dishwasher) after every use.

Do I need to dry bottles after sterilizing?

Any water left inside the bottles after sterilisation is sterile and won’t collect germs so there’s no need to dry. In fact wiping the inside of a bottle after sterilisation could even add germs, so it’s best not to.

How do you store baby bottles after sterilizing?

After sanitizing, place items on a clean, unused dish towel or paper towel in an area protected from dirt and dust. Allow to air-dry thoroughly before storing. Do not use a dish towel to rub or pat items dry because doing so may transfer germs to the items.

What are the risks of not Sterilising baby bottles?

Not sterilising your baby’s bottles will allow bacteria to develop on the feeding equipment. This may lead to infections including diarrhoea and vomiting1.

Is UV light safe for babies?

It is recommended that babies under 12 months are kept away from direct sunlight when UV levels reach 3 or above. When UV levels are below 3, sun protection is generally not required and a few minutes of direct UV exposure is considered safe and healthy for babies.

How often should you sterilize pacifiers?

Pacifier: Anything that spends as much time in Baby’s mouth as her pacifier does, if she’s a binky-fan, should probably be pretty clean. The Mayo Clinic recommends sterilizing pacifiers for under-6-month-olds before each use, and cleaning with hot, soapy water before each use for children older than 6 months.