Is it OK for Thai basil to flower?

Check your basil plants frequently for flowers, and if you see any, pinch them off right away. If the flower stems are too woody to pinch (often the case with Thai basil), cut them off with shears. A plant allowed to flower will soon go to seed, stop growing, and die, so be vigilant about removing flowers.

Is Thai basil good after flowering?

All parts of the basil plant are edible, including the flowers, leaves and stems. Moreover, all parts of the plant remain edible even after the basil plant flowers. Once the basil flowers, the taste typically becomes more bitter.

Why is my Thai basil flowering?

Basil produces flowers if they are not pruned regularly. The flowers and leaves are edible and safe to eat. The flowers heads produce seeds which can be collected and grown next years.

Should I stop my basil from flowering?

If you are cultivating basil strictly for its leaves, it is best to remove the flowers. Pinching basil blooms back will allow all of the plant’s energy to stay focused on foliage production, creating a bushier plant with more leaves and maintaining higher levels of essential oils in the leaves.

How long does Thai basil plant live?

Sweet basil, the edible herb that most people grow at home, is not perennial. It has to be replanted every year. There are other varieties of basil, such as purple basil and Thai basil, which are perennial in their native environment. They last for two or more seasons.

Does Thai basil grow back every year?

Frequently Asked Questions about Growing Thai Basil Thai basil does not come back every year. But if you allow your plant to flower, it will produce seeds that you can then re-plant next year.

What to do with basil that has flowered?

Just pinch the flowers off! Pinching off these flowers helps keep the plant growing. I pinch them off at their base and put them in tiny bud vases in the kitchen, where they both look and smell beautiful. While pinching off the flower buds will help, it’s even better to harvest half the plant and make pesto.

What happens when basil blooms?

Flowering is part of basil’s natural life cycle and occurs in late summer. The flowers will produce seeds that can be used to grow new plants next spring. To stop basil from flowering, pinch off any flowers and prune routinely. Basil may flower early due to high temperatures and water stress.

Can you eat basil that has flowered?

Basil flowers are perfectly edible. In terms of fragrance and flavor, the flowers are similar, if milder, than the leaves. Sometimes, flowers can be somewhat bitter, so test them first. When sprinkled over a salad, basil flowers impart a mild basil flavor and add a decorative touch.

What happens to basil when it flowers?

These flowers are pretty, but they are also a sign that the plant is shutting down and going into reproduction mode — instead of growth mode, which would shoot out the necessary basil leaves for my pesto cravings. It’s not a sign that you’ve done anything wrong, it’s just part of the cycle.

Does Thai basil come back every year?

Thai basil does not come back every year. But if you allow your plant to flower, it will produce seeds that you can then re-plant next year.

How do you make Thai basil grow bigger?

To grow a Thai basil perennial from a cutting, do the following:

  1. Take a 4-inch section of the stem before it blooms.
  2. Take off the leaves from the bottom part of the stem.
  3. Put the stem in a small container with enough water.
  4. Place the container near a window.
  5. Change the water daily.