What is the culture of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is inhabited mainly by the Pashtun, who are noted for their independence. The Pashtun comprise many tribes and clans, each taking great pride in its genealogy. Pashto is the main language in the province, except for some areas where Punjabi predominates, and virtually all of the population is Muslim.

What is Peshawar culture?

Peshawar emerged as a centre for both Hindko and Pashtun intellectuals during the British era. Hindko speakers, also referred to as Khaarian (“city dwellers” in Pashto), were responsible for the dominant culture for most of the time that Peshawar was under British rule.

What is the dress of KPK?

Peshawar shalwar
Peshawar shalwar The traditional dress of Peshawar and other parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan is the khalqa (gown) which opens at the front or shirt which does not open at the front, and the Peshawari shalwar which is very loose down to the ankles.

What is Pashtun culture famous for?

A major aspect of the Pashtunwali code emphasizes personal authority and freedom. Women are required to wear full-face and full-length garments known as the burka. Pashtun culture is celebrated for its traditional music, dancing, poetry and storytelling.

What is the food of KPK?

KPK is famous for Pashtun style cuisine. Pashtun cuisine is largely based on a plethora of meat dishes that include lamb, beef, chicken, and fresh fish as well as rice and some other vegetables. Accompanying these staples are also dairy products (yogurt, whey, cheeses), various nuts, as well as fresh and dried fruits.

What is the famous food of Peshawar?

Dum Pukht is a favorite dish of Peshawar that is prepared with the meat of mutton or beef. The pieces of meat are cooked in low heat in its individual fat along with onion, cardamom, potatoes, yogurt, red pepper, garam masala, salt, garlic paste, and oil.

Why is Peshawar famous?

It is the biggest city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and is a relatively prosperous city. It is also a cultural and economic hub of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The city is famous for its food and tourism as it is one of the oldest cities of Pakistan with a recorded history that dates back to 539 BC.

How many languages are in KPK?

30 languages
“There are 30 languages in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” says Ziauddin, general secretary of the Gandhara Hindko Board, an organisation striving not only to preserve Hindko but also all other languages in the province. “Fourteen of them are spoken in Chitral district alone, for instance.

What is the national food of KPK?

Chapli kabab It is also called Peshawari kebab because this dish originated from this city. These kebabs are very spicy and tasty. The ingredients include in these kebabs are flour, a wide range of spices, coriander leaves, chopped tomatoes, onions, mashed eggs, ginger, lemon juice, with meat.

What is the famous festival of KPK?

Kalam Summer festival
Dates Late July – Mid August
Location(s) Pakistan Kalam, Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Years active 2010 – Current
Founded by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tourism Carporation

What are the festivals of KPK?

The festival is organized by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tourism Department in collaboration with the Pakistan Army….

Kalam Summer festival
Genre Kalam Summer Festival, Cultural Festival
Dates Late July – Mid August
Location(s) Pakistan Kalam, Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa