How do I get to the Sealed Cave in ff3?

To get to the Sealed Cave, simply jump in Cid’s airship and go north, across the moat-like body of water, and into the cave. (Make sure you’re ready to go here with equipment, items, et cetera). Once inside the cave, head on a straight course south to find a treasure chest containing a Potion.

Where is the sunken cave ff3?

The Sunken Cave, also known as Underwater Cave, is an optional dungeon in Final Fantasy III. It is located underwater, beneath the small island to the extreme southeast of the Surface World, so the party will need the Nautilus that can use its feature to dive into the underwater surface.

How do you go underwater in ff3?

On the third floor, go west, then south, continuing south past the crossroads. Step on the magic circle on the third floor to be teleported to a small room. Doga tells your party that his time is running out, and quickly casts a spell to enable the Nautilus to travel underwater.

Where is Gysahl in ff3?

Gysahl, also known as Gisahl, is a village at the edge of the Floating Continent in Final Fantasy III. It is known for raising chocobos and has the same name as the famous Gysahl Greens that attract these useful beasts. This town also specializes in making Magic Keys.

Where is the Nautilus ff3?

The Nautilus is a high-speed Saronian airship used to fly against intense winds. It is obtained after defeating the Garuda in Saronia, replacing the recently destroyed Enterprise.

Where is King Argus ff3?

Castle Argus, also known as Argass Castle, is a location in Final Fantasy III found across the sea from Vikings’ Cove and Nepto Temple. The party can enter it after completing plot events in those locations, but it will be empty until freeing the residents from Castle Hein.

What does advance do in ff3?

Final Fantasy III Advance is the command ability of the Warrior class. Advance lets the Warrior sacrifice some defense in order to strike harder.