Should I put my vinyl records in sleeves?

No sleeves: Inner and outer sleeves are essential to keeping your vinyl dust-free. If static electricity builds up on the vinyl, it attracts dust like a magnet. Weak shelving: Vinyl is heavy. If you don’t have a sturdy shelf under your collection, the shelving could easily break under the weight of the records.

Are paper or plastic sleeves better for records?

The better quality ones use a heavier paper stock and even acid free paper. While this is certainly better than no protection at all, the paper can tear and does shed over time. Also, the simple act of sliding a record into and out of these paper sleeves scratches records, creates static and paper dust.

Do records need outer sleeve?

You will need an outer covering to accompany the inner. This will protect your vinyl’s card sleeve but will also prevent dust finding the record (and abrading it over time). Be careful here. Don’t buy the heavy gauge plastic samples and feel smug about it.

Should you replace vinyl inner sleeves?

But once you’ve taken the time to clean your record, the last thing you want to do is put it back into an old, yellowed, torn paper sleeve; replacing your inner sleeves every few years is necessary if you want to keep your vinyl spinning smoothly.

What are the best inner sleeves for LPS?

The 3 best record inner sleeves

  1. Paper & Poly lined record inner sleeves. These sleeves look & feel best and have cut corners for easy insertion.
  2. Thick 90 Micron HDPE plastic record inner sleeves.
  3. Regular 40 Micron HDPE plastic record inner sleeves.

How do you store vinyl records without sleeves?

How To Store Vinyl Records Without Sleeves

  1. Put paper or a cloth between each record.
  2. Keep them away from moisture.
  3. Avoid sunlight.
  4. Don’t stack your records.

Which record sleeves are best?

The 4 Best Record Inner Sleeves

  • Diskeeper 2.0 Antistatic Record Sleeves.
  • Diskeeper 1.5 Round Bottom Sleeves.
  • Polylined Paper Sleeves.
  • Mobile Fidelity Master Sleeves.

Will a warped record still play?

Playing a warped record may damage the record further if the warp causes the stylus to skip. A skipping stylus can scratch the record grooves causing irreparable damage. So, if you want to protect your records, don’t play them when warped.

What is the best inner record sleeve?