What is steep learning curve mean?

In colloquial usage, a “steep learning curve” means the knowledge in question takes longer to learn; a “shallow learning curve” means it’s a nice quick process. If you actually plot a learning curve, though, with time on the x axis and understanding on the y axis, you’ll see that your intuition fails you.

What does the word steep meaning?

1 : having a very sharp slope : almost straight up and down a steep hill. 2 : too great or high steep prices. Other Words from steep. steeply adverb.

What is the meaning of steeper in Urdu?

1) steeper Noun. A vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping. ڈبونا ڈبونے والا

What does the saying learning curve mean?

a situation in which someone has to learn a lot in a short period of time: I’m on a steep learning curve in this new job.

How do you use steep learning curve in a sentence?

1. The whole team has been on a steep learning curve since the project began. 2. It’s a pretty steep learning curve when you’re thrown into a job with no prior experience.

How do you deal with a steep learning curve?

How to Overcome the Dreaded Learning Curve

  1. Embrace the uncertainty and the possibility. PIN IT.
  2. Don’t be afraid to mess up.
  3. Focus on small improvements.
  4. Make connections with those around you.
  5. Know your limits, but allow them to be pushed once in a while.
  6. Let the culture of the activity carry you forward.
  7. Get intense.

What is the synonym of steep?

Some common synonyms of steep are abrupt, precipitous, and sheer. While all these words mean “having an incline approaching the perpendicular,” steep implies such sharpness of pitch that ascent or descent is very difficult.

What is the opposite steep?

Opposite of so steep as to be almost vertical. easy. gentle. gradual. moderate.

What is another word for learning curve?

n. graphical record, graphical recording, graph.

When the learning curve is too steep?

A steep learning curve is an expression that is often used in colloquial speech to describe the initial difficulty of learning something that is considered to be very challenging. The implication is that learning will be slow and arduous.

What is learning curve with example?

An example of where a learning curve can be applied could be a measurable task like a factory worker learning to operate a new machine that requires specific, repeatable steps. As the worker learns to operate the machine following the procedural steps, he becomes faster and more proficient at using it.

What is a opposite of steep?