How hot was it in Wales yesterday?
How hot was it in Wales yesterday?
Wales Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
Conditions | Comfort | |
Time | Temp | Humidity |
12:00 am | 44 °F | 90% |
11:00 pm Fri, May 27 | 45 °F | 85% |
9:00 pm | 49 °F | 70% |
How hot was it yesterday in the UK?
Today’s and Yesterday’s Data
Temperature and Humidity | So far today | Yesterday |
Max dew point | 9.9 °C | 10.5 °C |
Max humidity | 95 % | 84 % |
Avg. temperature | 10.5 °C | 13.0 °C |
Temperature range | 1.8 °C | 7.7 °C |
What is the weather usually like in North Wales?
In North Wales, the summers are warm, humid, and wet; the winters are very cold and snowy; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 24°F to 86°F and is rarely below 11°F or above 93°F.
How hot was Cardiff yesterday?
Cardiff Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
Conditions | Comfort | |
Time | Temp | Humidity |
12:20 pm | 68 °F | 46% |
11:50 am | 68 °F | 49% |
11:20 am | 66 °F | 52% |
Where is the hottest temperature in the world right now?
World: Highest Temperature
Record Value | 56.7°C (134°F) |
Length of Record | 1911-present |
Instrumentation | Regulation Weather Bureau thermometer shelter using maximum thermometer graduated to 135°F |
Geospatial Location | Furnace Creek Ranch, CA, USA [formerly Greenland Ranch], [36°27’N, 116°51’W, elevation: -54.6m (-179ft)] |
Does it rain a lot in North Wales?
“If you are living in Snowdonia and saving up for a rainy day don’t spend it all at once. “It gets 270 wet days a year, that is around five for every seven. “Snowdonia is certainly the wettest part of Wales but not the UKs. The hills of western Scotland as well as Cumbria soak up slightly more.”