How do you use kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi is incredibly versatile. Cut or slice as desired, steam, and most anything goes. Add steamed kohlrabi to dishes, like stir fries, pasta, soups, and stews. It’s also fun to mash them with cauliflower or potatoes.

How do you eat green chrysanthemums?

Lightly steamed or boiled, chrysanthemum greens have a mildly grassy, herbaceous taste with stalks that are sweet and slightly crunchy. The greens are common additions to sukiyaki and shabu-shabu, and are also very good in soups. The trick to preparing chrysanthemum greens is to not overcook them.

How do you prepare choy sum?

Bring a pot of water to a boil; when boiling, add the stem pieces of the choy sum. Stir, and boil for 2-3 minutes, or until the stems are getting tender. Add the leafier pieces, stir, and cook for another 45-60 seconds or until bright green. Drain the choy sum, run over it with cold water and drain again.

How do I cook bok choy?

How to Cook Bok Choy

  1. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a wok or sauté pan.
  2. Add the minced garlic and ginger and stir for 30 seconds.
  3. Add the bok choy and use tongs to toss and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Pour two tablespoons of water (or broth) into the pan, cover with a lid and cook for 2 minutes more.

Is kohlrabi better raw or cooked?

Kohlrabi is equally tasty raw or cooked. Brad likes to thinly shave the peeled, raw bulbs into matchsticks (you can use a mandoline for help with this) and toss them into a slaw.

What does kohlrabi go well with?

Kohlrabi is delicious paired with chives, watercress, radishes, tomatoes, carrots, apples, and bacon as well as with seasonings like horseradish, sesame, ginger, and mustard. You can pickle it or use it as you would cabbage in your favorite slaws.

Are chrysanthemum greens good for you?

The good: This food is very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Niacin and Zinc, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. The bad: This food is very high in Sodium.

Are all chrysanthemums edible?

All chrysanthemum flowers are edible, but the flavor varies widely from plant to plant, from sweet to tangy to bitter or peppery. It may take some experimentation to find flavors you like.

What is the difference between bok choy and choy sum?

Bok choy: Also known as pak choy or Chinese cabbage, it has dark-green leaves and a white stalk. Baby bok choy: The most common Chinese green, it is light green and usually sold in bunches of three. Choy sum: Produces small yellow flowers, which gives it its other name of Chinese flowering cabbage.

Which part of choy sum do you eat?

The entire above-ground portion of the young plant is eaten, including the leaves and stalks. The small flowers are also edible.

What is the best way to eat bok choy?

Top 5 Ways to Use Bok Choy

  1. Stir Fry to Your Heart’s Content. Bok choy is a stir-fry staple.
  2. Toss it Up in Super Salads. Baby bok choy is the preferred variety in salads, as it’s more tender, but any variety will do.
  3. Make Your Own Kimchi.
  4. Add Bok Choy to Vibrant Soups.
  5. Wrap, Roll, and Stuff!