How can I research my family history for free UK?
How can I research my family history for free UK?
The best free UK genealogy websites
- FamilySearch.
- Free UK Genealogy.
- National Library of Wales.
- Online Parish Clerks.
- Find a Will.
- The National Archives.
- National Library of Scotland.
- National Archives of Ireland.
Can you research family history for free?
Explore free ancestry records on Findmypast. Discover your family’s amazing past for free at Findmypast. Delve into millions of free newspaper pages, free census records, free parish registers and free military records online today.
How can I find out if I am related to someone for free?
One such website is, where you can create a free account and begin researching your family’s history by entering basic data including an ancestor’s name and dates of birth and death (if applicable.)
Is Genuki free?
The most comprehensive is FreeCen, which has indexes in progress for the 1841-1891 censuses of England & Wales, and Scotland. For other free indexes see the links on GENUKI’s census pages for England and Wales, for Scotland, and for Ireland.
What is the best genealogy site UK?
Findmypast markets itself as the best family history website for British research and there’s certainly a lot going for it. Like Ancestry it holds all the main records that family historians rely on such as census and birth, marriage and death records and there is quite a lot of overlap between the two sites.
How do I find a relative in the UK?
Where else to get help finding missing family
- Help and support for missing children and adults and their families.
- The Salvation Army family tracing service helps people find adult relatives who are missing or who have lost touch.
- Help searching for birth and adopted relatives.
- Reunite: find out more.