What is the law of attraction quotes?

“The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” “Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.” “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.”

What is the secret Law of Attraction?

“The Secret” is simply the “law of attraction.” Essentially, the law of attraction states that whatever consumes your thoughts is what you will eventually get in life. So, if you think of all the things you don’t want in your life, you’ll only get the things you don’t want.

What are the 3 steps to the secret?

The creative process described in The Secret is taken from the New Testament in the Bible and is divided into three simple steps.

  1. Step 1 — Ask: “What do you really want?
  2. Step 2 — Believe: “See the things that you want as already yours.
  3. Step 3 — Receive: “This is a feeling universe.

Is Law of Attraction real?

Scientifically speaking, there’s no concrete evidence that says the law of attraction actually exists. Proponents say the law of attraction is supported by theories from quantum physics that suggest this “law” has an energetic and vibrational element.

What do you feel you attract?

“What You Think You Create. What You Feel You Attract. What You Imagine You Become.” | by Agnes Laurens | Medium.

How do I start the Law of Attraction?

How to Use the Law of Attraction as a Beginner

  1. #1 Get yourself into a constant positive frequency.
  2. #2 Get involved in things you love.
  3. #3 Start a gratitude journal.
  4. #4 Meditation.
  5. #5 Love yourself regardless of what you’ve done in the past.
  6. #6 Start small & prove it to yourself.
  7. #7 Take massive inspired action.

What are the 7 laws?

The Seven Laws

  • Not to worship idols.
  • Not to curse God.
  • Not to commit murder.
  • Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.
  • Not to steal.
  • Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
  • To establish courts of justice.