What is the value of sin inverse 1?

Hence, sin-1 (1) is equal to the angle whose sine is 1. Since the inverse sin-1 (1) is 90° or Π/2.

What is the value of sin inverse?

So, the inverse function of sin 1 is denoted as 90° or π/2. It is the highest value of the sine function.

How do you find the value of the inverse of sin?

Inverse Sine

  1. The inverse sine function (also called arcsine) is the inverse of sine function.
  2. sin θ = (Opposite side to θ/Hypotenuse)
  3. Or θ = Sin-1 (Opposite side to θ/Hypotenuse)
  4. In the same way, Inverse Cosine and Inverse Tan can be determined.

What is the value of inverse 1?

The value of arctan 1 or tan inverse 1 is equal to π/4 radians or 45 degrees.

What is the value of sin inverse 2?

Inverse Sine Value Table

Ө Sin⁻¹ Ө Sin⁻¹ Ө (In Degrees)
12 π2 30°
√22 π3 45°
√32 π4 60°
1 π6 90°

What times does sin equal 1?

Sines and cosines for special common angles

Degrees Radians sine
90° π/2 1
60° π/3 √3 / 2
45° π/4 √2 / 2
30° π/6 1/2

What is the value of Cos inverse 1?

The Value of the Inverse Cos of 1 As you can see below, the inverse cos-1 (1) is 0° or, in radian measure, 0 . ‘1’ represents the maximum value of the cosine function. It happens at 0 and then again at 2Π, 4Π, 6Π etc..

What is the value of sin inverse of 2?

What is the domain of sin 1?

The domain of sin−1 is [−1,1] and its range is [−π2,π2]. We can see from the graph that sin−1 is an odd function, that is, sin−1(−x)=−sin−1x.

What is the sin inverse of 3?

Inverse Sine Table

Sine Angle (degrees) Angle (radians)
1 2 30° π 6
√2 2 45° π 4
√3 2 60° π 3
√6 + √2 4 75° 5π 12