What is an example of selective optimization with compensation?

For example, an elderly person with fading eyesight who loves to sing could focus more time and attention on singing, perhaps by joining a new choir, while cutting back on time spent reading.

What is selective Optimisation and compensation?

Selective Optimization With Compensation is a lifespan model of psychological and behavioral management for adaptation to changes related to human development and for adaptation to age-related gains and losses.

What are the three part strategies of selective optimization with compensation?

The SOC model and life-management strategies The SOC model describes three strategies of life-management: selection (S), optimization (O), and compensation (C), and two categories have been distinguished for selection: elective selection (ES) and loss-based selection (LS) [3].

What does the Baltes and Baltes model of successful aging argue?

While Baltes and Baltes (1990) contended that both objective and subjective aspects of successful aging were important, they said, “the objective aspects of medical, psychological, and social functioning and the subjective aspects of life quality and life meaning seem to form a Gordian knot that no one is prepared to …

What is Baltes theory?

In Baltes’ theory, the paradigm of contextualism refers to the idea that three systems of biological and environmental influences work together to influence development. Development occurs in context and varies from person to person, depending on factors such as a person’s biology, family, school, church, profession.

What is Baltes model of aging?

The Model of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation An aging individual faces dwindling intra-individual resources (e.g., physical fitness, health, sensory abilities, and basic cognitive functions) that successively outweigh gains of resources (e.g., knowledge, experience, and social status) (Baltes 1997).

What is Baltes SOC theory?

According to the SOC model (Freund & Baltes, 2002), “the biological, social, and psychological opportunities and constraints throughout the life span specify a broad range of alternative possible goals or domains of functioning” (p. 643). Selection involves goal setting and a commitment to a specific set of goals.

What is the term used by Baltes and Baltes to refer to the process of balancing the gains and losses associated with aging?

What is the term used by Baltes and Baltes to refer to the process of balancing the gains and losses associated with aging? Selective optimization with compensation.

What are the 3 principles of development?

There are three principles of growth and development: the cephalocaudal principle, the proximodistal principle, and the orthogenetic principle. These predictable patterns of growth and development allow us to predict how and when most children will develop certain characteristics.

What are the 4 principles of development?

The principles are: 1. Development is Continuous 2. Development is Gradual 3. Development is Sequential 4. Rate of Development Varies Person to Person 5. Development Proceeds from General to Specific 6.

Which of the following is a compensation strategy suggested by Baltes and his colleagues?

Which of the following is a compensation strategy suggested by Baltes and his colleagues? If things do not go well for you, be willing to let others help you.

What are the 5 stages of growth and development?


  • Infancy (neonate and up to one year age)
  • Toddler ( one to five years of age)
  • Childhood (three to eleven years old) – early childhood is from three to eight years old, and middle childhood is from nine to eleven years old.
  • Adolescence or teenage (from 12 to 18 years old)
  • Adulthood.