Can you push Atheon?
Can you push Atheon?
Yes, an Atheon cheese exists, and it doesn’t involve pushing the boss off the map. Atheon is the final boss in the Vault of Glass raid, and this Vex gate lord will probably give newcomers a few headaches. Still, there’s a way to avoid all of the mechanics since you can instantly kill this boss to get your loot.
Can you still push Morgeth off?
While Morgeth does not fly across the map in the same hilarity as low-level enemies, it can still be pushed off of the edge to cheese the encounter.
What weapons are good for Atheon?
Anarchy is the best heavy weapon for this raid. It’s fantastic for ad clear and boss damage. Deathbringer is also a viable DPS option for both Templar and Atheon, as are rocket launchers with good boss damage perks. Heavy grenade launchers can work for boss damage as well.
Did they fix Atheon cheese?
The new Vault of Glass raid has also received some attention in the latest patch. Several unintended methods for killing Atheon have been fixed, such as “tethering Supplicants as they self-destruct” or going through the Future Venus portal and killing Atheon there before the encounter even starts.
How do you glitch through Morgeth door?
After trying to see if I could find a different method, I ended up scaling down on the door, putting a block in the middle of the door, and was able to bypass the door using the same method while standing on the block.
How do I not get teleported at Atheon?
Atheon goes through phases in which they teleport several players through time. Simply sitting on a Sparrow appears to prevent a player from being teleported. Instead, the animation for being teleported plays, but the player remains seated on their Sparrow.
How do you destroy Atheon?
Jump up to the left or right, still in view of your team. That way, they can just turn slightly to you to break you out when the countdown finishes. Keep doing damage until Atheon goes immune and then do it all again. Eventually, you should do enough damage to make Atheon go down, letting you take his throne.