When did the Supreme Court uphold the validity of zoning ordinances?

In 1926, the United States Supreme Court validated the zoning ordinance adopted by the Village of Euclid, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, in Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365, 47 S. Ct. 114 (1926).

Is spot zoning illegal in Texas?

Thus, spot zoning is illegal because it is an arbitrary departure from the Comprehensive Plan.

Is spot zoning legal in Pennsylvania?

As such, Pennsylvania courts have ruled that spot zoning is an arbitrary exercise of the municipality’s “police powers” and is therefore unconstitutional.

When did US courts recognize and enforce restrictive covenants to regulate land use in residential subdivisions?

Racial deed restrictions became common after 1926 when the U.S. Supreme Court validated their use. The restrictions were an enforceable contract and an owner who violated them risked forfeiting the property.

When did public land use controls become legally reliable?

When did public land use controls become legally reliable? 1926.

What does LAR2 zoning mean?

LAR2 is for SFR or two unit properties. A 5 unit is existing nonconforming. If it was a total loss you could not rebuild your existing configuration, but you are allowed to maintain it.

What is AR zoning in Texas?

1. (AR) Agricultural-Residential District Zoning. This district is established to promote a compatible mixture of agricultural, forestry, conservation, and very low-density residential uses where few public services will be available.

What is a Downzoning?

“Downzoning” describes a government agency’s rezoning a parcel of land once previously zoned for a more intense use to a more restrictive use (e.g., changing the commercial zoning designation of an undeveloped parcel of land to agricultural or open space).

What is spot zoning in Pennsylvania?

Spot zoning was defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development as “a singling out of one lot or small area for different treatment from that accorded to similar surrounding land from which it is indistinguishable in character for the economic benefit (or detriment) of the property owners.” …