What is meant by the word superiority effect?

The word superiority effect (WSE) refers to the observation that when written stimuli are degraded by noise or brief presentation, letters in words are reported more accurately than single letters and letters embedded in non-words.

What is the word superiority effect example?

For example, if “WOSK” had been flashed, a reader might have to decide whether “K” or “H” had been in “WOSK”. A WSE arises when subjects choose the correct letter more consistently when letter strings are real words rather than nonwords (e.g. “WKRG”) or single letters.

What does the word superiority effect mean quizlet?

word superiority effect. The finding that accuracy in letter recognition is higher when the letter is in a word (than when it is in a nonword)

What does the word superiority effect tell us about perception?

Word Superiority Effect. People are faster to recognize letters when they appear in a word than when those letters are presented in isolation, a finding called the word superiority effect.

What is the sentence superiority effect?

The sentence superiority effect is the observed superior identification of a post-cued word in a briefly presented sequence of words when the sequence is syntactically correct (e.g., son amie danse bien [her friend dances well]) compared with ungrammatical scrambled sequences of the same words (danse amie bien son [ …

Is word superiority effect bottom up?

Word superiority effect refers to people can better recalled the word than letters; because of the top down and bottom up processing. (McClelland,Rumelhart,1981). Firstly; top-down processing starting with the larger concept or idea and then working our way down to the details or that concept or idea.

Is word superiority effect top-down or bottom up?

Is word superiority effect top down or bottom up?

Why would one argue that the typical word superiority effect findings are counter intuitive?

One can argue that the typical word superiority effect findings are counter intuitive because, the outcome of experiment does not seem right or correct, like the outcome should be opposite of what it really is.

Who came up with word superiority effect?

The effect was first described by Cattell (1886), and later contributions came from Reicher (1969) and Wheeler (1970).

What is the difference between top down and bottom up perceptual processes?

Bottom-up refers to the way it is built up from the smallest pieces of sensory information. Top-down processing, on the other hand, refers to perception that is driven by cognition. Your brain applies what it knows and what it expects to perceive and fills in the blanks, so to speak.

What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up perceptual processes?