How far can a Baofeng BF F8HP transmit?

ten miles
The BF-F8HP stands out by having an amazing range (over ten miles in our test with minimal obstructions) and the ability to work on all sorts of frequencies.

Can you use a Baofeng BF F8HP on GMRS?

Baofeng BF F8HP Features While this radio can be programmed to transmit on GMRS or FRS frequencies, this radio is not FCC approved for this use.

Which BaoFeng is strongest?

BaoFeng BF-F8HP
The Most Powerful One Yet: BaoFeng BF-F8HP (High Power). The BF-F8HP is the third and final generation of the UV-5R.

Is Tidradio the same as BaoFeng?

The microphone and programming cables are marked with TIDRADIO, but they are exactly the same as Baofeng UV-5R. This package is very reasonably priced.

Do I need a license to use a Baofeng BF f8hp?

The baofengs are easy to program for FRS/GMRS frequencies. Also, it is perfectly legal to transmit on ham frequencies without a license in an emergency. I typically program in repeaters where I travel for this reason, but don’t use them for basic communication.

Can I use my Baofeng as walkie-talkie?

The baofeng UV-5R is dual band and most certainly does cover MURS, which is an acceptable choice if you want a commercial “walkie-talkie” to be able to talk to an amateur radio. If you’re stuck with FRS/GMRS then that’s fine too, FRS is also licence-free (but GMRS is not).

How far do BaoFeng radios reach?

Regardless of the factors that come into play when using a radio, your transmission could go as far as 10 miles in normal conditions and under a deplorable condition, it should go 2 miles. But in the best of conditions, a BaoFeng radio can transmit up to 15 miles.

How do I program my Baofeng 5R?

How to manually program the Baofeng UV-5R from the keypad

  1. Press [VFO/MR] and enter Frequency Mode.
  2. Press [A/B] and choose the A Side (upper display).
  3. Press [BAND] for the frequency band.
  4. Disable TDR (Dual Watch/Dual Standby).
  5. Enter the frequency.
  6. optional – Enter the transmit CTCSS/DCS code.